Tips To Improve Your Denver Home for the Holidays
With the holidays are here and upon us, it's a great reason to get your Denver home in order for friends and family. Like every year, there’s the usual decorating, cooking, and cleaning that needs to be completed before company is allowed in. But is your home, itself, looking festive as it could? Or does it need some updated chairs, lights and energy-efficient interior shutters?
If you want to give your guests a warm and cozy place to stay, try a few of these ways to improve your home for the holidays.
Give Your Windows Energy-Efficient Shutters
By improving your Denver home for the holidays with plantation shutters, you get both elegance and energy-efficiency. That’s because when the cold wind starts blowing, you can shut your shutters and get an energy-efficient boost. Plantation shutters are known as the top window coverings to block air flowing through your windows -- and that keeps the nice air inside and the chilly air out.
Of course, if you want to pair energy-efficiency with durability, you should use a faux wood treatment, like our Polywood® shutters. Polywood is up to 70% more energy-efficient than hardwood shutters and up to 1600% more energy-efficient than cheap aluminum blinds. You are able to even cover your specialty-shaped windows with Polywood shutters, ensuring every window will look great while still keeping a constant temperature in your home.
It’s Time For New Furniture In Your Home

Add Decorations To Every Room In The House
Decorations shouldn’t be heavy-handed, and don’t think that you need to cramseveral tinseled pine trees. But a modest touch sprinkled about can keep up your holiday spirit.
Improve Your Denver House For The Holidays By Replacing Inadequate Lighting Fixtures
New chairs, decorations, and energy-efficient window treatments are nice, but it doesn’t matter if no one can see them. Improving your home for the holidays should always include definitely include upgrading ineffective lamps and chandeliers. Your floor lamp may provide enough light when it’s just you and your immediate family, but when people come over, you’ll want plenty of brighter lighting.
Most lamps and chandeliers are simple to install and can do wonders for a room. Lights can fix room shadows cast from furniture. If a new fixture isn’t warranted, just make sure the ones you have aren’t missing any globes or hoods. And installing a dimmer switch can allow you to adjust the fixtures to you holiday tree lights.
Sunburst Can Help Improve Your Home For The Holidays With Plantation Shutters
Getting your house ready for friends and family might involve a few needed improvements to your home. Sunburst Shutters will help you choose the perfect energy-efficient plantation shutters that will keep your rooms warm and cozy. Simply complete the form below or give us a call at 720-538-0182 for a free in-home consultation.